On September 17, 2022, our employees took part in a bicycle integration of FRRuu. The mission of the event is to integrate as well as care for the environment.
On 17th September 2022, employees of the HASCO Group took part in the largest bicycle integration organised by FRRRuuu, and took a trip around Wrocław. The mission behind the event was not only to boost employee morale and promote integration, but also to act for the protection of the environment, which was done by planting as many trees in forests as many participants there were, and thanks to Hasco, this year over 30 trees were planted.
The Company Bicycle Rally decided to include ecology in its course and joined forces with Posadzimy.pl to give the participants their own trees to plant. As shown by a poll conducted by FRRuuu, almost 60% of respondents chose being able to plant a tree as their favourite part of the rally participation package.
With the participants of this year’s rally, FRRuuu planted 2000 trees in total, including over 30 trees from Hasco! Our participation in this event will result in increasing the forested area by 35 m2, producing oxygen for 21 people and returning over 1800 kg of paper.
Among the trees planted by our employees were pine trees, oaks, birch trees, rowan trees, hornbeams and beech trees, which will become a part of forests in 3 locations in Poland: Kamienna Góra, Chojnice and Ogrodzieniec.
Through fun and integration outdoors, we were able to achieve an important goal, which is acknowledged in certificates we received from the organisers. More on the campaign: posadzimy.pl.